Title: Stress Relief Through the 5 Senses: A Holistic Approach to Calm In today's fast-paced world, stress has become an unwelcome companion for many. It creeps into our daily lives, affecting our mood, productivity, and overall well-being. While we can't always...
Emily Maguire
June Morpheus Chronicles
Unlocking the Benefits of the MIND diet: A Path to Better Brain Health
Unlocking the Benefits of the MIND Diet: A Path to Better Brain Health At Morpheus Wellness, we are committed to helping you lead a healthier, more balanced life. One of the key components of overall wellness is brain health, and today, we’re diving into a diet...
Discover the Benefits of Qigong with Robin Maltenfort of Morpheus Wellness
Discover the Benefits of Qigong You may have heard of Tai Chi, but did you know that Tai Chi actually evolved from Qigong? I recently sat down with Robin Maltenfort, Morpheus Wellness coach, to learn more about her new Qigong practice and how it can help people with...
Understanding and Reducing Stroke Risk in Women: A Comprehensive Guide
Understanding Women's Stroke Risk Did you know that 1 in 5 women between the ages of 55 and 75 will experience a stroke (CDC, 2024). You might be alarmed to find out that woman have been reported to have more severe nervous system injury, higher morbidity and...
May 2024 Morpheus Chronicles is Here!
Protecting Your Brain: Strategies for Preventing Strokes
Did you know that 80% of strokes are preventable? What can you do to prevent stroke? Age and family history makes us more susceptible to having a stroke, but there are many other stroke risk factors you can control. Making simple lifestyle changes can significantly...
6 Medication-Free Ways to Feel Better with Parkinson’s Disease
This April is Parkinson’s Awareness Month. For the one million American’s living with life-changing Parkinson’s disease (PD), understanding how to navigate the many symptoms that impact daily life can be overwhelming. Here are 6 medication-free ways to feel better...