6 Ways to Blast Out of the Ordinary Hydration to Make the Best of Your Health This Summer!

by | Jul 12, 2024 | Wellness

6 Ways to Blast Out of the Ordinary Hydration to Make the Best of Your Health This Summer!

Summer is a wonderful time to enjoy the outdoors, bask in the sunshine, and participate in fun activities.  However, the heat also brings a great risk of dehydration which can lead to serious health issues if not properly managed. This is particularly crucial for the elderly, who are more vulnerable to the effects of dehydration.

Why Hydration is Crucial

Water is vital for maintaining body temperature, lubricating joints, and ensuring proper functioning of the digestive and urinary systems. Dehydration can lead to a host of problems such as urinary and kidney issues, heatstroke, and in severe cases, can be life-threatening. The elderly are at a higher risk due to factors like a reduced sense of thirst, medications that increase fluid loss, and underlying health conditions.

Here are 6 ways on how to stay hydrated this summer and improve hydration, especially for older adults.

1. Drink Plenty of Fluids.

The simplest way to stay hydrated is by drinking water regularly.  Do you know how much water your body needs?  Take 1/3 of your body weight and drink that number in fluid ounces.  For example, if you weight 150, you should be drinking 50 fl. oz of water a day.

2. Eat Water-Rich Foods.

Your water consumption isn’t limited to only water.  Adding water-rich foods to your diet, like cucumbers, watermelon, lettuce, strawberries, and celery, are excellent choices to promote your hydration.

3. Keep water within reach, always.

Always have a reusable water bottle with you.  This makes it easier to take sips throughout the day, especially when you’re out and about.

4. Limit alcohol intake.

Alcohol is a diuretic.  If you are going to be out in the sun, try a mocktail instead!

5. Change it up!

Choose a different flavor each day to blast out of the ordinary to hydrate your mind and body for the long summer ahead. Keep your drinks and your mind fresh.  Jazz up H2O by adding lemon, lime, orange slices, cucumber, or berries. You can also switch it up with low-sugar sports drinks or powders.

6. Build a hydration routine.

Establish a routine that includes regular fluid intake.  Encourage small frequent sips rather than large amounts of water at once.

Fill up your water bottle!

Let’s take care of ourselves and our loved ones by prioritizing hydration this summer and all year round. Remember, a well-hydrated body is a healthy body! We hope you will be sure to add all 6 ways to blast out of the ordinary routine to boost your hydration this summer to make the best of your health!

Now you know how to stay hydrated every day. Contact us if you need personalized assistance to stay healthy this summer! 813-586-0542

Written by Emily Maguire. Edited by Deborah McVey.